Monday, December 1, 2014

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dreadclaw Progress!

Converted 3 of 4 total Dreadclaw Drop pods for my World Eaters. 
I got the conversion from here
I can't seem to find part two but this is perfect!! They actually do some really really awesome conversions so check them out. Back to painting tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Carl's World Eaters Army

So if you listen to The Independent Characters you probably know who Carl Tuttle is. He just sold me his Word Eaters army!! It's very well painted and I'm very excited about it!! Here's some pictures :
There's more to it too
3 Land Raiders 
2 Rhinos
1 Soulgrinder 
So really a ton of stuff. Also some WIP stuff that I started working on tonight. 
Carl's been talking about this "hour a day" thing for a little while now so I'm going to give that a try.
Here's tonight's progress:
Here's a comparison shot. Think I've got the red just about right.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Been working on fun Chaos stuff

Been working on a bunch of big Chaos stuff lately. 
Chaos Knight Titan #1
Huge Berzerker just for fun
Chaos Knight Titan 
Some inspiration 

Monday, June 23, 2014

First Post

So this is my first post. Let's start it off with a Bang!
So I like 40k. All of it. Playing it, reading it, learning it, building it, (not so much painting it), talking about it, etc. I spend a chunk of my day looking at various blogs and things that involve 40k. So I figured I'd start my own.

Here at The Bloody Chaos I'll be showing you a bunch of my models or other peoples models that i really quite like. For me that's the most creative part of this hobby. I love conversions and alternative models and things like that. So here you go. Here's a bunch of stuff I've been working on.

I built up a Carcharodons Astra army, or space sharks if you didn't know, for Adepticon 2013. I played in the 40k Friendly and had a ton of fun. Played 3 really fun games of 40k


This particular model is Forgeworlds' Tyberos The Red Wake. A really great model. Here is some more of the army after it was finished.

Tactical Squad w/Bolters

Devistator squad

Assault Squad

Combat Scout Squad

Terminator Squad

Captain "Nine Fingers" and tactical squad with CCW

Tyberos the Red Wake and the Red Brethren
Storm Talon

So there's my Carcharodons. Minus one thing. Land Speeder Storm to be exact. I'll have pictures of those shortly and also a lot of W.I.P. stuff I'm doing. This was my first painted army but like my 5th army to start. So I've got a lot more to show you all.